Please call 000
After Hours
Haynes Medical Centre has an arrangement with Dial-A-Doctor (1300 030 030) to look after our patients when our surgery is closed. If urgent medical attention is required, go straight to the Emergency Department at Armadale Kelmscott Hospital or in an emergency call 000.
If you think that you need a longer appointment, please advise accordingly to ensure that the correct time frame is allotted to you.
When you arrive at the Practice, please ensure that you report to the Reception to inform your arrival. If you do not, we may not notice and you will not be placed in our system as arrived so that the Doctor can see you for consultation.
All patients are required to arrange appointments before the consultation. We provide the facility to make appointments over the telephone, online or through your mobile for your convenience. We have only limited urgent appointments available on the same day. Please inform the receptionist of the nature of your request for appointment if you require to be seen the same day. You may need to see an alternative Doctor as your usual Doctor may not be available. Our standard appointments are 10 minutes however longer appointments are available on request.
Our doctors make every effort to be present on time for your appointment, however the Doctor's sometimes run late!. This is because someone has needed unexpected urgent attention. Be assured though that when it comes to your turn the Doctor will give your problem the time it deserves. Thank you for your consideration.
If you foresee that you will not able to attend your pre-booked appointment, please be courteous and contact Reception to cancel your appointment as this can be offered to another patient who requires to be seen. If you do not cancel your appointments and this is a frequent occurrence, a $60.00 fee will apply.
If you think that you need a longer appointment, please advise accordingly to ensure that the correct time frame is allotted to you.
When you arrive at the Practice, please ensure that you report to Reception to inform your arrival. If you do not, we may not notice and you will not be placed in our system as arrived, so that the Doctor can see you for consultation.
New Patient Registration
If you are a new patient please click the link below, download the pdf file, complete the Registration form sign and return;
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: 08 9497 5095
Post: Haynes Medical Centre, Shop 1, 1256 Armadale Road, Armadale, WA 6112
Or you may bring it when you come for the first appointment.
If you want to transfer your records from your present medical centre to Haynes Medical Centre, please download the pdf file, complete the "Transfer of Patient Records" form, sign and return:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
08 9497 5095
Haynes Medical Centre, Shop 1, 1256 Armadale Road, Armadale, WA 6112
Languages we speak other than English
Our doctors speak following languages other than English.
- Sinhalese
- Mandarin
- Malay
- Cantonese
- Hakka (Chinese dialect)
- Burmese
- Russian
- Tamil
- Afrikaans
- Hindi
Also, our other staff members can assist you with below languages;
- Yoruba
- Tagalog
- Visaya
- Waray
- Cebuana
Medical Certificates can only be provided on the day and cannot be backdated. Therefore if you are ill and cannot attend work, school, daycare etcetera you must see a Doctor on the day.
Home Visits - Certain Conditions apply and prior authority with the Doctor is required.
Telephoning your Doctor - We understand that sometimes you require speaking with your Doctor over the phone. However, for non-urgent calls and messages will be taken. For urgent calls, a nurse may need to clarify your health issue before placing the call to the Doctor. Thank you for your patience in this matter as we are sure that you would not appreciate the Doctor being distracted from your condition when in consultation, by calls from other patients.
Commercial Drivers Licence Medical Examinations: Please note we charge $150.00 per examination.
Billing structure
Business Hours |
Item | New Fees | Rebate | Gap Fee | Consult Time |
Level A (3) | $35.00 | $18.85 | $16.15 | Up to 5 minutes |
Level B (23) | $60.00 | $41.20 | $18.80 | Less than 20 minutes |
Level C (36) | $110.00 | $79.70 | $30.30 | 20 to 40 minutes |
Level D (44) | $160.00 | $117.40 | $42.60 | Over 40 minutes |
After Hours |
Level A (5000) | $60.00 | $31.75 | $28.25 | Up to 5 minutes |
Level B (5020) | $90.00 | $53.65 | $36.35 | Less than 20 minutes |
Level C (5040) | $130.00 | $92.00 | $38.00 | 20 to 40 minutes |
Level D (5060) | $180.00 | $129.00 | $51.00 | Over 40 minutes |
Tele Consult |
91890 | $35.00 | $18.85 | $16.15 | Up to 5 minutes |
91891 | $60.00 | $41.20 | $18.80 | Less than 20 minutes |
Other Charges or Fees
As of October 1, 2023, we’re a mixed-billing practice. However, we still offer bulk billing for children under the age of 16, healthcare and pension card holders and D.V.A Gold card holders.
There will be a GAP fee for all other Patients with a valid Medicare Card. Procedures will incur additional costs.
Drugs of dependency
(Corner Eighth Road & Armadale Road)