As of October 1, 2023, we’re a mixed-billing practice. However, we still offer bulk billing for children under the age of 16, healthcare and pension card holders and D.V.A. Gold card holders. There will be a GAP fee for all other Patients with a valid Medicare Card. Procedures will incur additional costs.
As of October 1, 2023, we’re a mixed-billing practice. However, we still offer bulk billing for children under the age of 16, healthcare and pension card holders and D.V.A. Gold card holders. There will be a GAP fee for all other Patients with a valid Medicare Card. Procedures will incur additional costs.
As of October 1, 2023, we’re a mixed-billing practice. However, we still offer bulk billing for children under the age of 16, healthcare and pension card holders and D.V.A. Gold card holders. There will be a GAP fee for all other Patients with a valid Medicare Card. Procedures will incur additional costs.

Following major health checks will be carried out by us as preventive measures for our registered patients.

  • Healthy Kids Check provided by a practice nurse
  • 3-5year old check. This include assessment of Height and weight check and plot in growth chart, Eyesight, Hearing, Oral health - teeth and gum, Toileting, Allergies
  • We make sure that 4 yr immunization given
  • We provide you with a copy of Get set 4 Lives - habits for healthy kids

Or visit :$File/GetSet4LifeBrochure.pdf

Health assessment for people aged 45 to 49 years who are at risk of developing chronic disease - This is done only once.

Health assessment for people aged 40 to 49 years with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes - Assessment can be done every 3 yrly. We assess your risk according to the Australian type 2 diabetes risk assessment too.

To assess your risk visit :

If you are at high risk come to us.We evaluate your high risk score.We update your history and undertake physical examination and clinical investigations.

We make overall assessment of your risk factors, the results of relevant examinations and investigations.

Your risk factors

  • Life style risk factor-smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and alcohol
  • Biochemical risk factors-high cholesterol, high blood pressure, impaired glucose metabolism, excess weight
  • Family history of chronic disease

We initiate appropriate interventions such as referral to a life style medications program done by Medicare local Bentley Armadale.

We provide you with advice and information.

Health assessment for people aged 75 years and older

This health assessment include,

  • Checking blood pressure, pulse rate, rhythm
  • An assessment of your medications list
  • An assessment of continence status
  • An assessment of your immunization status-influenza, tetanus and pneumococcus
  • An assessment of your physical functions, including activities of daily living and falls risk
  • An assessment of your psychological function including mood and cognition, checking of your memory
  • An assessment of social functions including the availability and adequacy of pain and unpaid help
  • We initiate appropriate referral for aged acre assessment team for further management.

Health assessment for people with an intellectual disability

Assess physical, psychological, social function of the person with intellectual disability to identify any medical intervention and preventive health care required.

Assessment can be done every year

This health assessment include,

  • Checking dental health
  • Conducting ear examination - referral for hearing testing if not had one with last 5 yrs
  • Examination of the eyes-arranging review by eye specialists of optometrist if not done within last 5 yrs
  • Checking height and weight and calculating BMI
  • Assessing nutritional status, growth and development
  • Assess bowel and balder functions - incontinence, constipation
  • Assess medications - arrange medication r/v by the pharmacists
  • Check immunization status
  • Check exercises opportunities
  • Assess the adequacy of support for activities of the daily living for the patient
  • Routine assessment such as breast exam, mammography, pap smears, testicular exams etc
  • Check difficulty in swallowing and arranging gastro esophageal diseases
  • Assess risk factors for osteoporosis, arranging investigations and treatment
  • Assess mental health
  • Assessing there are signs of physical, psychological or sexual abuse

Health assessment for refugees and other humanitarian entrants

  • If you think if you are a refugee / other humanitarian entrants you might be eligible for this Medicare benefit
  • Prior to heath assessment we have to confirm the visa status to check your eligibility
  • And also this health assessment can be done with in 1 yr of entry in to Australia

Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are eligible Under 3 age groups we do the heath assessments,

  • Child less than 15 yrs
  • Person who is aged between 15 - 54 yrs
  • Older person who is aged 55 years and over